Early Access Work
Assignment 1: Significant Digits
In AP Physics, you'll need to be able to record mathematical calculations to the correct number of significant digits. While many teachers simply use the rule of 3 significant digits, you can be penalized for using too few or too many digits.
As a rule of thumb, use the correct number of significant digits based on the equipment used in an experiment - even if it is 5 or 6 digits and then follow the rules for calculations on problems.
http://tinyurl.com/jgj5f6r. This is a Kahn Academy based assignment. Look to the left on the site and you'll see five links to complete. The video is only 5 min long. When you are done, go to:
http://www.sciencegeek.net/APchemistry/APtaters/sigfigs.htm. This is a 20 question online quiz. You may take it as many times as necessary to make a perfect score. Take a photo of it on your computer or print it out and bring it to our first class meeting.
General Stuff:
It is best if you do all of your work on a computer, not your phone.
Things you need to do first:
If you have not joined the Early Access Remind group, do that first.
Join the Class Here: Click Me!
Then, join the class on Quizizz. Click Me! If the link has expired, please text Mrs. D through Remind. :D
All assignments here will be for a grade. Grades will go in the gradebook the 2nd week of school.
There will also be a test over all of the material the second week as well. This work will polish your
math skills so that you can be successful in college level physics. You can usually repeat assignments
until you understand the topic and you are satisfied with the score. In AP Physics, the grade matters to
YOU, what you KNOW matters to me. These are critical skills. Take advantage of the early access to
the work. Also take a look at the checklist for what you should bring with you on Day 1.
Don't try to just get it done. Be sure that you understand it. In AP Physics, you need a tool box full of polished, shiny tools, made in America. You don't want to a) have only a hammer and try to use it for everything, or b) have rusty trig tools and you can never decide which one to use.
AP Physics 1 is meant to be the first semester of college physics for pre-med majors. As your teacher, I believe that it covers more than that and while we have 8 months to get through the material, College Board questions are very challenging, especially the FRQ (free-response-questions). I will teach the class so that those of you who want to be engineers will be well set for your first college physics classes. I have students who are now NASA engineers, agricultural engineers, nuclear engineers on submarines, and more who say the class prepared them well.
Assignment 2: Using Your Calculator
Assignment 3: Metric Units and Conversions
I know, I know, you've been doing these for what feels like forever... But physics
uses a lot of basic units (meter, second, lux) and a lot more derived units
(Newtons, Joules, Watts, radians...) You need to be fluent in their use and have
a good understanding of their sizes.
Assignment 4: Scientific Rounding, Uncertainty, and Error
This lesson is pretty straight forward but some of the rules for physics might surprise you.
Assignment 5: Algebraic Manipulation
I cannot emphasize enough how important this skill is to your success and enjoyment of AP Physics 1. You must be able to quickly and easily solve for any variable in an equation.
AP Physics 1 is algebra and trig-based (no calculus, yeah!), but you need to be spiffy fabulous at trig functions. If you struggle with this topic, Kahn Academy can really help. Your ability to juggle trig functions really is a critical skill.
Assignment 7: Graphing Techniques and Using Graphs in AP Physics
Graphing is a critical skill in AP physics and has very specific requirements unlike any graphing you have done before. This is a significant assignment with a real time commitment.
Assignment 7B: Collecting and Analyzing Lab Data
AP physics requires you to be able to collect and analyze experimental data with graphs and equations. This assignment has two simulation labs, both involving candy (too bad it's virtual candy). You should bring in a write up with purpose, data, and conclusion, along with a screenshot of your success with each of these.
Assignment 8: Digital Resources
We use a variety of digital resources in AP physics. You will need to set up accounts before class begins.
Assignment 9: Scalar and Vector Quantities
One thing that will lose you points day after day is not recording values correctly. You have to take into account significant digits, scientific notation, and whether it is vector or scalar. There is a quiz for this section.
Assignment 10: Show up with your class folder, lab book, and Aviary book ready to go.